Micro Loan/Credit
1. SHG's Loan:- Amount:3000/3,00,000. Tenure:
30/45/90/180/270/365 Days & up to 3 years. Rate of interest:2% up to
90days,1.80% up to 365 Days,1.60% up to 3 Years Per Month. Purpose: Livelihood
Programs. Loan type: Term loan/working capital. Mode of Repayment:
2. Street Venders Loan:- Amount:3000/50,000.Tenure: 30/45/90/180/270/365
Days & up to 3 years. Rate of interest: 2% up to 90days,1.80% up to 365
Days,1.60% up to 3 Years per month.
Purpose: Livelihood Programs. Mode of Repayment: Daily Collection by agent/Employee.
Loan type: Working Capital.
3.Live Stock Loan:- Amount:5000/3,00,000. Tenure:
30/45/90/180/270/365 Days & up to 3 years. Rate of interest: 1.70% Per
Month.Purpose: To Purchase Cow,Goat,Sheep, Buffallow,Horse,Chicken etc. Mode of
Repayment: Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly. Loan type: Term loan.
4. . Education Loan:- Amount:500/3,00,000. Tenure: Rate of
interest:1.5% Per Month, Purpose: Uniform, Stationary, fee, Hostel Fee &
funds payments. Mode of Repayment: Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly. Loan type: Term
5. Emergency Loan:- SHG's Loan Amount:1000/3,00,000. Tenure:
30/45/90/180/270/365 Days. Rate of interest:0.50% Per Month. Purpose: Medical
expenses. Loan type: Term loan.
6.Agriculture Loan:-
Amount:1000/3,00,000 Tenure: 30/45/90/180/270/365 Days & up to 3
years. Rate of interest:1.70% Per Month. Purpose: To purchase agricultural
tools,seeds etc. Loan type: Term loan/working capital.
7. Trading/Services Unit Business
Amount:50,000/1,50,000 Tenure: 30/45/90/180/270/365 Days & up to 3
years, Rate of interest: 2% up to
90days,1.80% up to 365 Days,1.60% up to 3 Years, Purpose: To establish self
employment units.Loan type: Term loan/working capital.
8. Over Draft Loan:- Tenure:1 Month/3Months. Rate of interest:2.5% Per
Month. Purpose: To meet suddnly
requirements. Loan type: Cash Credit Limit against Fixed Deposit A/c or
Recurring Deposit A/c.
9. . Social obligations Loan:- Amount: Tenure:30/45/90 Days. Rate of interest:3%
Per Month Purpose: Marriages,Festivals,fairs,Birth day etc. Loan type: Term
10. Special Loan:- for repayment of existing loan. Amount: Tenure:
30/45/90/180/270/365 Days & up to 3 years, Rate of interest:0.5% Per Month.
Purpose: repayment of existing loan. Loan type: Term loan.
11. Loan Top Up:- Amount: Tenure: 30/45/90/180/270/365 Days &
up to 3 years, Rate of interest:10.00% Purpose: To grow Employment/Self
employment/Livelihood Programs. Loan type: Term loan/working capital.
12. Manufacturing Unit Business
Amount:1,50,000/3,00,000 Tenure: 30/45/90/180/270/365 Days & up to 3
year, Rate of interest:. 3% up to
90days,2.5% up to 365,2% up to 2 years,1.5% up to 3 Years Per Month. Purpose: Employment/self employment. Loan
type: Term loan/working capital.